time and again, i've given this college the benefit of my doubt.. but after today, i realized tht it's absolutely pointless to give a damn for the college which not only eats up ur money like hell, but also for it not helping the students who are in dire need.. and when i say tht, i meant really good students.. those who are actually innocent but in the end get caught in the so-called being fair and just process... i hate the fact tht again and again, without fail, it's those who work with their utmost honesty and put in precious efforts tht are blamed.. when those at fault are happily parading around all proud and snobbish, totally oblivious to those suffering around them due to their mistakes... i hate the hypocrisy tht comes with all of it.. and most of all, i hate the fact tht i've been experiencing hate a lot lately due to the acts of some ppl in the college.. in a way, i should say thanks to them i guess.. coz they actually made me wiser on such matters... thanks a lot, for nothing-----
true, lots of colorful personalities u can find here only in mmmc
that's why i really 'LOVE' this college
i knwwwwwww...in fact, i dont thnk tht this place will change even if a disaster happens!!tht's hw oblivious it is to the needs of ppl.. *_*
p/s: i'm sincerely thankful to have a few darlings *friends and lecturers* around here, who keeps my life sane and bearable so far.... =D
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