a girl can dream, when a girl wants to dream kan? and right now, i'm dreaming of having a butler for myself.. someone who's handsome and tall, and strong and smart... one who does every single thg for me, right from making my meals, to helping me iron my clothes, and even studying for my tests... haha.. lazy me.. yeah2, i know tht i'll get bored of tht lifestyle pretty soon, but for the time being, i'm pretty much happy with the idea of someone taking care of all my business, and not having to crack my head about anythg at all... *contented sigh*
btw, we went for karaoke last saturday... i ended up with a sorethroat after belting out tons of songs, but heck, who cares about tht when u're having tons of fun.. and for me, being with frens always manages to bring up my mood to a level higher.. hehe... thanks korg for the time of the day... i'm sure sumer org busy, but i'm glad we did it together after such a longgggg time... lets definitely do it more often yea!!!
[p/s: yes Dr, i know tht i'm constitutionally small, no need for me to have my weight and height taken in front of everyone... haishhhh.... so embarassing, esp when u gained wt after junking on food due to ur pms... haha... =P]
[p/s/s: and thank you to someone for the compliment on my smile... whether u meant it or not, tht's beside the point.. wht matters is tht u made my day!! XD]
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