Friday, January 16, 2009

*life as it is --> pure and simple*

what would you do if someone's life depended on you?
how would you feel if you knew that u can cost someone their loved ones?
now only do i truly understand the phrase: "with great power, comes great responsibility."
i guess i can only try my best to use the gift of 'the power to heal' wisely for the betterment of everyone....
YA ALLAH, bantulah hamba-Mu ini utk menjadi seorang doktor muslimah yg cemerlang... Ameen..


Anonymous said...

insyaALlahh... sama2 lah kita ye.. hehe (u r my mummy u kno...)

asha/chibi/skebe/ecah said...


[p/s: haha... yea lar tuh kakak intan! ^^]