Thursday, January 01, 2009

*consider this a pre-new year post will ya??!? coz i'm too lazy to write a proper one..*

i juz dislike getting jealous.... tak macho lar biler org tau kita cemburu dgn aper yg dier and kwn laen share, tp kita x get the 'joke' or whatever it is... sy x suka bila sy jadik mcm nih x... ishh2... must be tht time of the month coming again soon.... *sigh...*

p/s: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEAR ZAFIRAH... i knw i still owe u a prezen, hehe... it shall be reaching u soon though, so pls wait for a lil yea^^


unnnamed said...

asha. zafirah ni sape eh?

asha/chibi/skebe/ecah said...

ntah lar cik zafirah... sapakah gerangan org yg dimaksudkan agak nye yea? hehe ^^