Tuesday, March 04, 2008

*the one when my romantic + islamic side surfaces*

ever heard of the story of nabi yusuf and zulaikha? the one in which, bcoz of zulaikha, nabi yusuf was locked up in jail... well, honestly speaking, i only heard of the 1st part of the story the past few early years of my life... it wasnt until i was in manipal, did i read of the 2nd part to the story wherein nabi yusuf was released from prison and he and zulaikha got married and lived happily ever after... ok2... i know i suck at telling stories... *go read it on ur own if u want a better picture* and the story which was supposed to be really sweet may have ended sounding like a case summary.. but tht aside, wht i really meant to say is tht, i envy the sort of love tht some ppl get to have... i know i said tht im not ready yet for a relationship, but then again, if i found the right guy, i guess, even i would be prepared to go through anythg tht the relationship may bring... even marriage maybe? hmmmm... now tht's a dillema tht i obviously dont have to pull my hair out worrying for rite now....

that said, dont go around quoting this statement of mine to my face the next time u see me... actually, my romantic side decided to pop-in for the hour, after watching 'ayat ayat cinta'.. for me, the story line is simply amazing... it's like no other movie tht i've watched before... the combination of romance with islamic virtues was really heart-tugging.... i had lots of "oo" moments in the movie due to its heart-rendering script.... i cried.... i smiled... and i cried again... the movie had some eye-opening effect too on me who i personally consider some sort of feminist... from now on, i'll never say tht i will not do or accept tht 'sumthg', coz only God knows, tht i may end up in tht situation and have to agree to tht 'thg' under certain circumstances *and in case u guys are wondering what the crap i'm talking about, go and watch the movie... and if even then, u cant guess wht i'm talking about, it juz goes to show tht u and i have not spent enuf time with each other [i.e. ur not close enuf to me yet] for me to tell u bout wht i was blabbering about in the 1st place*

anyhow, i have to go now.... gotta try to keep my soft side in wraps again so tht i can start focusing on the ObGyn end-posting... wish me luck guys, i'll need it... and all the best to u ppl too for ur respective EPTs.....


kumak0 said...

hahahah..i know this story
yeah it s romantic
but this days true love is hard to come by...
best of luck for all my freinds though~~~

asha/chibi/skebe/ecah said...

though i hate to agree with u about the part on its hard to find true love these days *simply bcoz i still wanna hv faith in love and its trueness* but then, i guess i do hv to acknowledge tht it really is hard to find one these days... sadly.....

p/s: on my part, best of luck to us all in finding the true love tht can bring us happiness here in this world and also in the hereafter......