Friday, January 25, 2008

*Which Disney Song Describes Your Life Right Now?*

Your life now can be described by Reflection, from Mulan.
You are not quite sure of your place in the world at this point and are not sure whom you actually are.
You wonder why your reflection is someone you don't know.
Confused by the demands of different people or forces in your life, you feel like you are being pulled in every direction.
Oftentimes by following one direction, you feel like you are not being true to yourself.
Don't worry though; your uncertainty is as natural as life itself. There is always time to explore. For now, feel free to travel and see the world, challenge yourself, and test your limits.
Slowly you will begin to figure out what ignites your passion, and if you pursue that, you will find yourself!

p/s: well, well whutdya knw... coincidentally, mulan IS my fav movie... hmmmm... no wonder i liked it so much!!!! anyways, here's the vid for the song -->

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