Thursday, June 07, 2007

*when i alredy said so....*

ppl can be really funny...

they do not intend to listen to sum1 else when tht sum1 else is giving sum sorta advice...
and when thgs finally go wrong bcoz tht particular person was too ignorant to listen to the person who gave advice, tht particular person can unshamefully *does tht word even exist??* come looking for tht person who gave advice again...
why do ppl never listen in the 1st instance they are told sumthg? *guess it applies to me at times too... though it irritates me when others repeatedly do it despite knowing of the consequences!!*

*sigh* all i can say is tht : ppl are extremely funny creatures....

[p/s : quote : "is not telling considered lying?" ---> hmmm... now tht's a thought.....]

jya minna, i'm off to have my dinner and say my prayers before hitting my books again... cutting OnG and agama class today better pay off in my ENT exam on saturday or i'll die *as a matter of speaking tht is* huhu....

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