i'm so scared..in fact, saying tht i'm feeling scared is really juz an understatement for my current state....nothg tht i do can seem to keep my mind off the possible outcome of the 5 long years of struggle and work... whts worse is tht i didnt do as well as i thnk i could hv for my short case due to panic... waiting for my turn *i was in the last cycle btw* really did kill my energy.. by the time i went in, i was juz glad tht i was finally called in.. the cases were simple, tht i felt like kicking myself each time they needed to prompt me for an answer... still, i'm truly thankful to hv Dr.L and Dr.S with Dr.K as my panel, they definitely made me felt better *despite the fact tht i had an outburst of tears after my exam* the only scary person was the surgery external.. huhu... i dont knw wht else to thnk of it... i juz hoped i didnt do any major screw ups, so tht they'll find it possible to pass me.. haiiisshhhhhh... seriously, i really need to go for some confidence-building, or panic management seminars lar kot... asyik takot and x konfiden jek... ish2.... YA ALLAH, PLEASE LAR BAGI SAYA & KAWAN2 LULUS EXAM!! SY TAHU KITORG BOLEY JADIK DOKTOR YANG BAGUS... PLEASE YEA YA ALLAH~~~~~
anyway, thanks for the best wishes for my exam korg...
on another note,
*thanks to mak for giving birth to me... and thank you mak & atta for taking such good care of me... could not have done anythg without both of u.. u r both my source of strength and inspiration.. no word can describe how thankful i am to have you both as my parents....
*thanks to skebe for tht touching birthday song.. ^^so sweet of u.. it was soo nice, tht it made me cry.. i'm so gonna miss u nnt.. huhu...
*thanks to mag, kumako, intan & the rest for the b'day wishes... XD
*thanks to hana & all uchichians for the call at nite.. korg really made me happy with tht cl =D
*thanks to deepa for the book gift, will start reading it once i calm my nerves.. =p
*and last but definitely not the least, im really truly thankful to ALLAH for my existence and for giving me all tht i have or dont hv rite now.. He has always been there for me and i will continue believing in Him, coz i knw only He can and has always been giving me all tht He thinks is rite for me... ALHAMDULILLAH!!!
basically, i'm juz sooo thankful for all the love i'm receiving from all angles rite now... seriously thankss!!! love korg sgt2 :)
k lar korg, kita boley tawakal jek skrg, we did wht we could for the exams, and nw all we can do is continue praying and hoping for the best.. InsyaALLAH, we will all pass and move on to a new adventure... ameeenn~~~